There have been a few cases of lice in the Burlington Public schools. The following are some proactive steps parents can take:
- Parents should check their children's heads at least once a week for active lice/ nits (eggs).
- Remind your children to avoid sharing personal items (i.e., combs, brushes, hats, helmets, hair accessories) and head-to-head contact i.e hugging other children.
- Teach children to tuck hats in the pockets or sleeves of their outerwear. .
- Keep long hair pulled up.
- Keep personal items the child sleeps with, (i.e stuffed animals, blankets) at home.
Classroom teachers, and staff from the after school programs reinforce these measures.
Please keep in mind that head lice is a community acquired health nuisance, and can be spread in a variety of settings both in school AND during extracurricular activities such as sleep-overs, camp settings, sports activities, dance classes etc.
As an alternative to traditional chemical treatments, there are several professional lice removal companies that exist. An internet search will provide the companies in the area. Burlington Public Schools does not endorse any particular company or product.
Links to helpful information on Head Lice:
We would appreciate all communication about any cases of head lice. If your child has lice, or has recently been treated for lice, please notify the school nurse. All children who are diagnosed must be checked by the school nurse before readmission to school. An adult must accompany the students to the nurse's office the morning of return. Thank You.